Moving Forward


Any movement involves taking steps (initially mentally) and sometimes changing direction. I am absolutely sure that all of us have sometimes talked ourselves out of moving anywhere as sometimes it is our mental paradigms that keep us safe and where we are.


I have had some amazing opportunities over the past few weeks and wanted to share some with you.


I actually spent nearly a full week away from home travelling and meeting with some of you, what a privilege.


I had a great meeting with Neil O’Boyle (National Director of Youth for Christ) where we shared our mutual passion for young people coming into the kingdom and Neil shared some of his vision for a Discipleship Centre. This vision could be such a great resource for the church and those of us seeking support for young people.


On Sunday 12th June I travelled to Abergavenny, where I spent the next  day with teachers from across Wales at the Church in Wales Education Day. It was good to be able to see the way in which the new direction for what was RE, moves to be Religion, Values and Ethics in September. Resources and an opportunity to experience some of them made for an engaging day.


London overnight, and the next day Mike (Haslam) and I had the privilege of leading a time of reflection for the Woodard School Chaplains at their conference at the Royal Foundation of St. Katherine’s near Limehouse. What a fabulous bunch of chaplains and what a true retreat from the noise and bustle of our lives and the city.  Thank you for having us 😊 Sometimes before we can move forwards, we need time to reflect don’t we?


I travelled to Uppingham that evening and spent the following day with the Rugby group of chaplains. Another privilege to share some of their joys and challenges as we reflected and discussed chaplaincy and what they bring to their school communities. Beautiful weather always helps and time in worship sung by pupils ended an insightful and joyful day.


Wantage on the Friday with Rev Charlie Kerr leading us through ‘Space Makers’, a contemplative toolkit which offers opportunities for spiritual reflection as part of the school day. Well worth looking at if you are wanting to move prayer and reflection forward in your situation.


I was delighted to accept an offer to talk to the West Midlands FE Council last week, where stories of increasing opportunities for FE chaplaincy were inspiring for us all, amidst some of the challenges there too.


The government white paper on education (and the green paper on SEND) also offer some movement in the direction of young people being encouraged to discover their potential.


In the midst of a good deal of uncertainty in life still, it is so encouraging to see so many green shoots of hope and movement forwards.


As we come to the end of this academic year, I, CCE and your schools and colleges are so deeply and profoundly grateful to YOU. You continue to inspireencourage and urge us into moving forwards as you transform lives every single day.


God bless you richly

