Welcome Faith in wide spaces | helping chaplaincy flourish

13 June 2024 – 09.30-16.00

St Mellitus College, 24 Collingham Road, London, SW50LX

£55 per person


The conference took place on 13 June 2024, here are some images of the event.

All are welcome to join us for the first in-person national ecumenical education chaplaincy gathering since Covid!

It will be wonderful to gather again.  


Our keynote speaker will be Dr Paula Gooder, speaking on Faith in wide spaces, faith in the public square in the bible.


We will have workshops including:

  • ideas café
  • how to be trauma informed
  • spirituality and prayer in chaplaincy
  • sports chaplaincy 
  • inter-faith and scripture.
  • Pupil chaplaincy 

And much more…


We will be joined by organisations including:

  • Prayer Spaces in Schools
  • Transforming Lives for Good
  • Growing Faith
  • Joining the Dots

And many more…


There will also be times for prayer, worship, fellowship, networking and fun.



Time Activity
09:30 Registration and Refreshments
10:00 Welcome
10:10 Dwelling in the Word– Magnificat
10:20 Student Chaplaincy Story
10:30 Keynote: Dr Paula Gooder – Faith in wide spaces: Reflections on Faith in the Public Square in the Bible
11:30 Refreshments



Chaplaincy and the Environment

Creating safe and welcoming spaces for those who have experienced trauma: an introduction

Student Driven Leadership

School, Church, Home: Growing Faith and Chaplaincy

Listening Attentively to the Voices of School Chaplains

How to Engage Young People with the Bible

Chaplaincy in Further Education

Inter-faith Conversation

12:40 Dwelling in the Word – Transfiguration
12:50 Chaplaincy Story – School Chaplain
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Workshops

Guided Prayer – Prayer spaces in schools

Using Sports to Enhance Chaplaincy

School Pastors, Outside of the Box

The World of Hikaru

Space Makers


Emotional First Aid ‘paying attention to cries for help’

Spirituality, Prayer and Worship in Chaplaincy

14:40 Chaplaincy Story
14:50 Dwelling in the Word – Great Commission
15:00 Small Discussion Groups Called, Formed, Sent
15:15 Plenary with a Panel
15:45 Blessing and Finish